The Treasures of Weatherby

The Treasures of Weatherby by Zilpha Keatley Snyder is about Harleigh Weatherby, a 12-year-old boy who is teased for being as short as a 6-year-old, so he is taken out of public school and is homeschooled. His Aunt Adelaide, who is very strict, takes care of him because his father is always out of town. They live in a big mansion with a LOT of relatives, some who Harleigh has never even met! One day, Harleigh was walking around the grounds and sees a girl who appears to be flying! Later, he finds out her name is Allegra and that she really wants to go in the mansion. Eventually, her wanting gets both Harleigh and Allegra nose-deep in a mystery.

I really liked this book because it had a unique plot and didn’t give you too little or too many details. There were many surprises in this book, and even Lemony Snicket (of The Series of Unfortunate Events) thought it was good!

This book is for boys and girls on a 5th-7th grade reading level.

Buy this book here.

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