Fiona Finkelstien, Big-Time Ballerina

Fiona Finkelstein, Big-Time Ballerina by Shawn K. Stout is about Fiona, a 4th grader living in Ordinary, Maryland- which is not an ordinary place. Her mom lives in California because she acts on a soap opera, and her dad is a meteorologist. Fiona loves taking ballet, and one day there is a sign on the ballet tack board that Fiona is scared and excited about: a big part in The Nutcracker. But the only problem is her stage fright. Last time she preformed, she threw up on stage in front of everyone. But she knows she can figure out a way to make it work.

This book is ok. It is not my favorite, but it isn’t bad. I liked how it really sounded like it was coming from the perspective of a 9 year old. The book was also funny in some places. I think it is cool how kids can relate to her yet things happen that don’t normally happen in people’s lives. This book is definitely for girls, and is on a 4th grade reading level.

Buy this book here.


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